Friday, June 6, 2008

Lights, camera, action; a re:Generations photo shoot

These are my friends. They are teachers, social workers, editors... and the faces of re:Generations.

This image is just one of the many fabulous pictures my friend, Matthew John, captured behind the lens. (Thanks, MJ!) The pics will be used in re:Generations promotional materials, and you can check them out by clicking on the link below. Enjoy!

Ps- Are my friends good lookin' (insert east TN accent) or what?


What the Hale said...

Stollings! I do believe that when you were talking about your "good lookin' friends" who are teachers, editors, and social workers, you left out my profession of being your water girl! :)

Jessica Stollings said...

Dear Hale,
I didn't want the teachers, editors and social workers to feel left out since they will not be traveling the world with me, you, bella (and the rest of the petting zoo), bug and louis vuitton. :)
Bring on the water,

Anonymous said...

Hey I am excited by the concept of Re-Generations!! You are doing a fantastic job and I am praying that word will spread like wildfire for you!! Keep it up!!
Your friend, Wilva

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